Does anyone know a way to find out what songs are used as background music in Momoclo-Chan/Momoken?
  • September 2015
    13 Reputation
    As I watch these shows I find myself wanting more and more of the songs that are used in the background.

    Just to be clear, these are not Momoclo songs, there are many different styles of songs used from many different artists. I just can't find any way to obtain a soundtrack list or anything.

    I would try Shazam or one of those applications but a lot of the time the song playing has dialogue or sound effects over it so it wouldn't really work.

    So I'm hoping they credit the artists somewhere, it could be in the actual credits at the end of each show but I can only read bits and pieces.

    Anyway, any information would be appreciated.
  • honkey5honkey5
    September 2015
    304 Reputation
    just as a commentary, the other day i watched the pentagon derby "eigo challenge" episode.. in the part where renichan and tamai go to play golf and later to eat seafood, i noticed they played the "Pompoko" theme..
    In the "a-rin time" episodes (the a-rin cooking arc) they used the theme for "Candy candy". And im sure i heard songs from the "Love hina" anime too... just a curiosity, seems the music producer for momoclochan is a big anime fan..

    As i said in the other page (assuming you´re the same guy who asked) best shot is to ask for specific episodes.. some of the songs used are pretty well known songs - Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones comes to mind

    Edit. They use the theme of "Amachan" a lot