sorry if this is the wrong thread, but i cant understand how torrents work, especially how to get a jpopsuki account. i've been looking everywhere for a download link for the two disk version of the momoiro clover z album but i cant find one anywhere. i know spotify has the regular ver but i hate using spotify as it messes up tags, wondering if anyone had any advice?
Are there torrents of things that aren't purchasable on Aidoru? Like episodes of Folk Mura? I've been buying physical copies of everything I can from CDJapan, which I prefer to do. But would love to watch things that aren't actual releases.
Nope, not at all lol. I just meant things other than concerts which I'd rather buy to support them, which I'm sure there are. But I tried making an account on Aidoru and am still waiting on the verification email since yesterday :/
I didn't mean purchasable on Aidoru lol but from an official store, sorry if there was confusion there.
Well, you can torrent tv shows like Folk Mura and Momoclo-chan, and other minor tv appearances. Some of those are around for purchase online (like their movie Maku ga Agaru and Momoclo-chan), and others are not.
@Flowercreek Cool! I own their latest Momoclo-Chan and found their movie online a while ago. I’m most excited to see Folk Mura especially after reading so much about it in AE. @Mattthecat Awesome!! Thanks a lot for doing that. I look forward to checking it out.