[Album] 1st Battle And Romance
  • January 2013
    300 Reputation
    Looks like there's no topic for the first album.

    Anyway, instead of talking about the album in general to start, I want to ask a kind of specific question, or ask for a kind of specific information.

    The song "MomoClo no Nippon Banzai" there's a line, "Momoiro Clover Jet," right? But if you listen to the way they say it... it sounds kind of like "Momoiro Clover Zed." Is this an intentional pun?

    As best I can sleuth timings, the song was released about a month after MomoClo gained their Z, but considering the amount of time it takes to write, practice, record, and press, the writer (Hyadain) probably needed advanced warning if he wrote that joke in, on purpose. But the members famously had no idea that their name was changing until that very night.

    Of course, everybody had plenty of warning that Hayami was retiring, so it's likely that staff, management, and the agency were already planning what to do with MomoClo after she left, so maybe they already decided to change the name (but just never told the 5 members)?

    Also, Hyadain has an above-average tendency to make jokes... so it seems intentional.

    It's also possible that after the song was written, somebody noticed the pun-possibility, and asked them to change their enunciation... to take advantage of a happy coincidence?

    Any opinions? Actual info? Etc?

    (Of course, this is also the place for any other discussion of their first album)
  • asan
    January 2013
    462 Reputation
    This is hard to know for non-native speakers, but I think if japanese puns were based on merely similar sounds the language would be one huge joke. IMHO the song has airplanes and that's it.
  • January 2013
    5759 Reputation
    Momoiro Clover Z(April 10, 2011)

    Battle and Romance(July 27, 2011)

    In almost all cases, Hyadain will complete one music in a day.
    It seems that he took 6 hours in order to complete "MomoClo no Nippon Banzai".
  • January 2013
    11 Reputation
    also considering that Akarin announced her graduation around January 2011 , then it's possible that the staff planned the new name all along since then. And don't forget they announced Z Densetsu (another work of Hyadain) around May or 2 months prior to its release date (July 7), so as momomofu pointed out, this genius songwriter is really something /yup
  • January 2013
    39 Reputation

    Momoiro Clover Jet

    I'm amazed you even caught that. Their English pronounciation is so Japanese, unless I see subtitles telling me they're singing English words, I seldom have a clue.

    Unless it's really obvious, like "Baby, kiss me!" /love
  • January 2013
    300 Reputation

    I'm amazed you even caught that. Their English pronounciation is so Japanese, unless I see subtitles telling me they're singing English words, I seldom have a clue.

    I more or less understand Japanese, so things like that pop out pretty easily to me.

    And Momomofu: Thanks for clearing up the chronology, I'm rather new as a mononofu, so... mistakes happen. The fact that there were a couple months in between changes everything! I'm pretty positive it was intentional now.
    I know that Hyadain is something of a web-personality, does he talk/blog/do-interviews about the writing he does for MomoClo? Even with a one-day turn-around on writing, the members need time to learn the song, record it, get it produced and sound-edited, and that's before the album is mastered... and then there's printing and shipping times before release date.
    Of course, that's child's play to "squeeze" into 3 months for a major player like Stardust.
  • January 2013
    5759 Reputation
    I'm not a professional musician.
    Therefore, I don't have the specialized knowledge about it.
    However, as long as I look at those videos, the speed from which Hyadain perform the work is very quick.



    ㊙ ヒャダイン 20120628

    2:04 行くぜっ!怪盗少女(Ikuze! Kaitou Shoujo)(ももクロ)作詞:作曲 / 前山田健一
    6:30 涙目のアリス(玉井詩織)作詞 / 松井五郎 作曲 / 林 哲司
    7:52 ワニとシャンプー(Wani to Shampoo)(ももクロZ)作詞:作曲 / 前山田健一
    9:37 あーりんは反抗期!(佐々木彩夏)作詞 / 作詞:作曲 / 前山田健一
    13:39 放課後ゲタ箱ロッケンロールMX(エビ中)作詞:作曲 / 前山田健一
    18:12 ミライボウル(Mirai Bowl)(ももクロ)作詞 / 村野直球 作曲 / 前山田・大隅知宇
    20:24 ももクロのニッポン万歳!(Momoclo no Nippon Banzai!) (ももクロZ)作詞:作曲 / 前山田健一
    22:57 サンタさん(Santa San)(ももクロZ)作詞:作曲 / 前山田健一
    26:50 労働讃歌(Roudou Sanka)(ももクロZ)作詞 / 大槻ケンヂ 作曲 / Ian Parton
    27:54 PUSH(ももクロZ)作詞 / 久保田洋司 作曲 / 大隅知宇
    29:10 サンバ de トリコ!!!(ヒャダイン) 作詞:作曲 / 前山田健一
    30:10 コノウタ(Kono Uta)(ももクロZ)作詞:作曲 / ツキダタダシ
    31:09 Z女戦争(ももクロZ)作詞・作曲:ティカ・α / 編曲:近藤研二
    37:15 事務所にもっと推され隊(高城&有安) 作詞:作曲 / 前山田健一
  • yveliiyvelii
    January 2013
    11 Reputation
    Waa, thank you very much Mononofu, I didn't saw this first two videos !
    It's very surprising and emotive to see how he works and when he see his work finished on concerts.
    And if I well understood, he compose since his 6 years old ? :o
  • January 2013
    5759 Reputation
    Hyadain began to learn a piano since 3 years old.
    Without learning the textbook of Beyer, he is a fifth grader in an elementary school, and learned the textbook(Mikrokosmos) of Bartok.
    He does not seem to compose it since 6 years old.

    He is recording his voice in a car.
    He said.
    "30-40% of the whole was completed now."

    The interview of Kenji Ito and Hyadain
    Hyadain likes a classic and likes Rachmaninoff, Debussy, and Satie especially.
  • January 2013
    300 Reputation
    Awesome videos Momomofu! I love learning things like this about the people backstage ALMOST as much as I love learning about the members backstage.

    There was a time when that kind of songwriting speed was actually pretty normal. In America from the 1920s to the 1940s, most major, popular music in America was coming out of musicals (on stage and film) and the writers and directors of those musicals were just normal drama-types, so there was an industry for cranking out "made to order" songs at the drop of a hat. "We need a song about the relief of going to the dentist and not having cavities, and we need it in 36 hours." The "Tin Pan Alley" generation. But it's totally abnormal nowadays in Western Music... everybody's supposed to bleed their heart into every song etc. Professional songwriters get no love.

    I hope the haters clue in and stop hating.