Pictures & GIFs
  • July 2015
    163 Reputation
    I don't have enough pictures/videos of various members from different groups. My hard drive is literally empty now so I'm free to add as many pictures/GIFs/videos. My goal is to have a large album that I can browse through whenever I have free time.

    Just one rule for posting, put the idol's name and which ever group they belong to first, followed by the pictures in a Spoiler. Reason being, your PC might take a long time trying to load all the pictures at once.

    If you don't know how to extract images/videos from websites or make GIFs let me know and I'll show you.
  • July 2015
    163 Reputation
  • July 2015
    567 Reputation
    ^lol that first gif! :x
  • ebizoriebizori
    July 2015
    2806 Reputation