General Discussion
  • February 2017
    28 Reputation
    Oh my goodness... we will miss you Rinanan, so young ):
    February 2017
    221 Reputation
    It's really really sad. I can't stop thinking about her. Graduation is a different thing. At least you can wish them the best but this.... I'm not sure how to handle this.
  • February 2017
    3398 Reputation
    Not a masterpiece but I had to do something

  • February 2017
    242 Reputation
    Thanks for that, Matt, it's a nice video for sure.

    I recorded a cover of this song a while ago, but never put it up. May not be the style of some of you guys, but I've decided to upload it and dedicate it to Rinanan. It's a very sad but beautiful song, in my opinion, so it's very appropriate.

    It's hard to accept she's gone. I can only imagine how her family and friends must be feeling right now. My thoughts are with them.
  • February 2017
    272 Reputation
    omg, i'm crying so much, why? just why?? ;( ;(
  • February 2017
    14 Reputation
    I haven't followed ebichu as close as momoclo and shachihoko, but I definitely liked Rinanan, and 18 is to young for anyone. I have been crushed by this ever since I heard about it last night. My heart goes out to all her friends, family, fans, and of course the other girls. I am not sure if I'd be able to go back to work after just seven days break with a job like idol....I wonder what will happen going forward.
  • February 2017
    372 Reputation
    Sad. And a scary reminder of how fragile human life really is.
  • nb00nb00
    February 2017
    178 Reputation
    Way too young...
  • February 2017
    131 Reputation
    I can't put this feeling into words. And I can't even really talk about it to anyone around me. So awful. I hope her family and the members are OK. Everyone here, as well, stay strong for her!
  • February 2017
    402 Reputation
    I still can't believe. It's hard to accept. It's unfair to her.
  • February 2017
    81 Reputation
    who else been cryin
  • February 2017
    272 Reputation
    i :((
  • February 2017
    3398 Reputation
    The last time I cried was when I heard the news of Karin Maruyama's death.
    That of course didn't come unexpected but it was so tragic due to her history and life-long fight

    Rina's death came so totally out of the blue that it's still mostly tears of disbelief and unwillingness to accept what happened
  • February 2017
    264 Reputation
    I haven't followed Ebisu very closely at all, but this are very sad news. My thoughts go out to her family and friends, and all those who cared for her.
  • February 2017
    469 Reputation
    I posted this at another Jpop forum where people were talking about Rina's death - I'll post it here, too...

    When I was going to the local community college in the town where I grew up, one of the girls in the crowd I hung out with died suddenly - one morning, I came to school, and people were in shocks, saying, "Monica died, just a few hours ago!" Apparently it was from a brain embolism, which was, I heard, the result of a congenital defect. She went to bed with a headache, woke up the morning feeling very ill, and was dead within a few hours. She was 18 or 19 at the time - about the same age as Rina.

    The fact that it was unexpected -- I don't even know if her family or doctors were aware of the underlying problem that caused the embolism -- did make a big difference for most of us who knew her. By that time, I think that most of us knew people who had died in ways that it was not hard to see coming - drug overdoses and other misadventures - and I suppose we'd become a little numb to that kind of sudden-but-not-unexpected death. But when Monica died, it just felt so wrong, and there was no way to be numb or hardend about it. This feels the same way.

  • InvaderInvader
    February 2017
    1737 Reputation
    I'm still in shock. This is so sad and unexpected. Losing someone so young always seems unfair. I hope the best for her friends and family because this must trully be a terrible time for them.

    I don't even know what to say.
    February 2017
    221 Reputation
    Same here. Woke up in the morning and still in disbelief of her sudden passing. I keep thinking of how other members and her family must be feeling.
  • February 2017
    81 Reputation
    Don't forget.

  • February 2017
    5201 Reputation
    Mezamashi TV

    Sankei Sports
    Nikkan Sports
    February 2017
    221 Reputation
    I'm glad she got quite a few coverage on national level.

    Got this from Hello Online.

    Some reactions:

    Nagareboshi Takiue Shinichirou
    "I can't believe it.

    It seems that Ebichu's Matsuno has passed away.

    'it seems'

    Because it happened so quickly, it doesn't even feel real.
    I wonder if the other Ebichu members and the fans feel the same?

    Matsuno has become an eternal idol.

    Fans of Matsuno, and all of the Ebichu Family, please, let us support Matsuno and Ebichu forever!

    Matsuno, from the bottom of my heart, I'm praying for your happiness in the next world."

    Nagareboshi Chuuei
    "What is happening.."
    Thank you so much!
    Thank you for making me smile!
    Thank you so much!
    Thank you so much~Gundam"

    Kishidan Ayanocozey Show
    "Ebichu's Matsuno. No matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I try, I can't put this into words. But I was doing a skit with her on stage just last week. And yesterday, I was supposed to be doing another in Osaka with her."
    "When I think about how her family, the other members, the staff, and her fans must feel, it seems like my heart is about to burst. At least, at the very least, please sleep peacefully."
    "Thinking while walking in the middle of the night. Matsuno Rinanan of course won't leave my head. Then, Kudo Kankuro sent me a LINE. He was thinking the same. It seems like I've unconsciously been groaning throughout the day. I wonder how the other Ebichu members are doing. We can't come to terms with it, either, though. Do your best, keep fighting, Ebichu."

    Konno Asami
    "It is so upsetting to hear the sudden news about Matsuno Rina. I remember that even on the set of Robosan, in the middle of a hot summer when the air conditioning had stopped, she was happily playing around, talking to the other members about ice cream and candy... The grief her family is feeling must be unfathomable. I express my deepest sympathies from the bottom of my heart." Fujisaki Ayane
    "My thoughts have stopped and it has gotten hard to breathe. I can't understand what's going on. What, why, is this a joke? Is it real? I just don't know. Those of you who know the situation are probably going through the same thing, my heart is spinning." Aizawa Risa
    "What... what..."
    "When you suddenly lose something precious to you, it feels like your chest is hollow. It will paralyze you, but in the end, I think that they give something to us. Like a piece of their soul, or, well, I don't know." Mogami Moga
    "When I want to calm down, I listen to Bryan Eno. I thought about a lot of things today. About the everyday things not being everyday anymore, things I never imagined happening, but these things can happen to anyone. It's different from waiting for the shock to fade, but what we should do now, is treasure every thing, every person."

    Billie Idle (former BiS) First Summer Uika
    "Did that just happen..."

    TM Revolution
    "I just got news of the passing of Matsuno Rina, a member of Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku who built up an amazing performance at Inazuma Rock Fest... It's such a shame. I wanted to see her come back to Inazuma Rock Fest so that I could see her grow more. I'm worried about the other members, too... Fans, please give them your support."

    These are just the ones I've seen so far.