AE Fan Club Comics in English
  • December 2015
    644 Reputation
    Momopro Z 4-Panel #263 12/26/2015
  • December 2015
    51 Reputation

    Momopro Z 4-Panel #262 12/24/2015


    I'm 15% sure this is a reference to
  • December 2015
    644 Reputation
    Momopro Z 4-Panel #264 12/28/2015
    This references Hunter x Hunter Chapter 162
  • December 2015
    487 Reputation
    "NO DEATH" XDDD That reference is just beyond perfect for this
  • December 2015
    644 Reputation
    Momopro Z 4-Panel #265 12/30/2015
  • December 2015
    487 Reputation
    Are they dead!? Shiorin's face expression is hilarious. In the first panel A-rin looks so creepy lol
  • honkey5honkey5
    December 2015
    304 Reputation
    Leave it to Sasaki "Air raid siren" Ayaka :-))
  • January 2016
    644 Reputation
    Momopro Z 4-Panel #266 1/1/2016
  • January 2016
    904 Reputation
    She's adorable -w-
  • January 2016
    487 Reputation
    The nosebleed is too much for me
  • January 2016
    3398 Reputation
    Nothing can beat preparation. That's Momoka for you :)
  • honkey5honkey5
    January 2016
    304 Reputation
    Sasisuseso sasisuseso
  • January 2016
    644 Reputation
    Momopro Z 4-Panel #267 1/3/2016
  • January 2016
    904 Reputation
    Funny how it's the bespectacled member commenting XDDDDDDD
    But yea. Shiorin is FAST XDDD
  • January 2016
    264 Reputation
    I haven't really understood the rules of that card game (I assume this is the one they're always playing on Momoclo-chan). Could someone explain? :)
  • January 2016
    51 Reputation

    I haven't really understood the rules of that card game (I assume this is the one they're always playing on Momoclo-chan). Could someone explain? :)

    It's a well known style of game in japan. Basically the "game master" or whatever will read something, and then the players have to grab the corresponding card (there's only one card in the bunch).

    The premise can be different depending on what style of game you're playing. For example in this case the person reads off the description of the card, and the players nab the corresponding card, the more cards you have at the end of the game, the more you're winning.

    It's often used in classrooms too. The teacher might describe something and you have to pick the correct kanji or whatever.
  • January 2016
    264 Reputation
    Ahh, thank you so much!
  • honkey5honkey5
    January 2016
    304 Reputation
    Awesome. Now if someone could explain why Tamai is so good while the others are as clueless as us XP
  • January 2016
    51 Reputation
    honkey5 said:

    Awesome. Now if someone could explain why Tamai is so good while the others are as clueless as us XP

    Some people just have a knack for it. They slightly memorize or can quickly spot where every card is, and then they can quicky nab the card before the entire clue is read. Like if I said "Motorh...." they would already have the Ace of Spade.
  • January 2016
    644 Reputation
    Actually, Karuta is simpler than that because the card you're looking for always begins with one of the 46 kana (44 or 45 at most since can't usually start a sentence with を[wo] or ん[n]) and (more often than not) has the starting kana of the sentence on the card standing out prominently. It doesn't really matter what the rest of the sentence is as long as you find the card with the first kana of the sentence the fastest...normally. The version they play on Momoclo-chan, they have to finish the sentences with the correct answers. lol

    Momopro Z 4-Panel #268 1/5/2016