[SINGLE]14th Seishunfu
  • mocha21mocha21
    March 2015
    380 Reputation

    they have some pretty killer B-sides. PUSH, Mitemite Kocchicchi, LOST CHILD, DNA Rhapsody, etc etc

    and Kuroi Shuumatsu! the song is superb in many ways.
    Link Link is awesome, the chorus reminds me to a Jpop song from my childhood. The coolest center role in the song fits nicely with A-rin, I think it has something to do with her graduation this year.

    Seishunfu is a solid song as well, Kanako solo part really gave me shivers down my spine. It's always nice that they're exploring the different genres of music even though they've lost the zenryokuness lately.
    Unfortunately what makes me a little disappointed is the short version of the music video, they're going into avex / universal route of releasing only MV short version now? I hope the cut is for a good reason like the rest will be a spoiler to the film or something.
  • honkey5honkey5
    March 2015
    304 Reputation
    Seishunfu I like it a lot. It makes me think of cherry blossoms, schools/ graduations, leaving behiind childhood. That's stuff that me, being American, find beautiful since in america we see things from another point of view (proms, exams, campus visits)

    Anyway, I think momoclo needs to do a hearthbreking ballad, something that puts a lump in yr throat, like Reni's solo stuff.

    Also, Eien no trinity ingle when?

  • mavmav
    March 2015
    171 Reputation
    mocha21 said:

    and Kuroi Shuumatsu! the song is superb in many ways.
    Link Link is awesome, the chorus reminds me to a Jpop song from my childhood. The coolest center role in the song fits nicely with A-rin, I think it has something to do with her graduation this year.

    Same for me for Kuori Shuumatsu, 神曲 all the way!

    I get a similar vibe from Link Link as well, it sounds very reminiscent of a cartoon theme song from my childhood....or maybe that's just how most 90's soft J-pop sounds like. Can't seem to remember which cartoon it was from though, do tell if you can think of something.

    EDIT: I think I found it! The ED for the cartoon Ultraman Kids- "Twinkle Twinkle Wink~お願い Shooting star~"
  • March 2015
    5201 Reputation
    Hashire! Z ver
    Keyboard & Programming:michitomo

    ももいろクローバー 走れ! Momoiro Clover Hashire! guitar cover by seku

    ももいろクローバーZ [ サンタさん ] MomoClo Z:Santa Claus Guitar cover by Seku

    ももいろクローバーZ DNA狂詩曲 Momoiro Clover Z DNA rhapsody guitar cover

    ももいろクローバーZ [ Z伝説 終わりなき革命 ]MomoClo Z:Z-LegendGuitar cover

    ももいろクローバーZ 行くぜっ!怪盗少女 guitar cover by seku

    猛烈宇宙交響曲・第七楽章『無限の愛』MomoClo Z:Eternal-Love Guitar cover by Seku
  • all9all9
    March 2015
    371 Reputation
  • March 2015
    77 Reputation
    Thanks! This video looks great. I really like the feel of the video. It's nostalgic. Perfect. It actually makes me like the song more.
  • March 2015
    644 Reputation
    I think the ending of the PV is Saori meeting Yoshioka-sensei.
  • March 2015
    5201 Reputation
    Oricon(March 10)
    1. 85,043 KAT-TUN
    2. 49,817 SHINee
    3. 33,615 Momoiro Clover Z

    1st - 33,615
  • March 2015
    131 Reputation
    My copies came today! Link Link is awesome as we knew it would be. Iku Haru Kuru Haru is also quite fun. I still haven't come around to Seishunfu itself. It seems like an awfully serious song for them. I can't see anyone moriagaru-ing to it.
  • March 2015
    114 Reputation
    Absolutely love Iku Haru Kuru Haru, I really like the vibe it has.
    Link Link is still awesome! That Aarin's intro still slays me
    The Z version of Hashire is still a bit weird for me, I don't think I'm gonna listen to it that much... they sing it so nasally, I don't think it works for them...
  • March 2015
    644 Reputation
    I don't know how well non-Japanese will be able to relate to Seishunfu, but it's definitely fitting for the current season and will resonate with many Japanese people due to the composition and the choral singing. Many students have to participate in a chorus contest at some point in their school careers, so it has a very nostalgic feeling.
    Also, I agree that Hashire Z ver seems nasally. Especially hearing it through the movie theater's sound system, I thought they must have used some vocal augmenting software.
  • March 2015
    5201 Reputation
    Oricon(March 11)
    1. 27,518 KAT-TUN
    2. 13,170 Busaiku
    3. 12,639 SHINee
    4, **,*** Momoiro Clover Z

    1st - 33,615
    2nd - **,***
  • mocha21mocha21
    March 2015
    380 Reputation
    after listening non stop to the tracks, the single really grows on me. Yuku Haru really solid, but I kinda agree that the vocals are overly processed, it's also apparent from Yuku Haru.
    mav said:

    I get a similar vibe from Link Link as well, it sounds very reminiscent of a cartoon theme song from my childhood....or maybe that's just how most 90's soft J-pop sounds like. Can't seem to remember which cartoon it was from though, do tell if you can think of something.

    found it after the nostalgic urge to look up the song, the sabi/chorus is quite similar, I think it would connect well from Link Link B-melo part :))

    honkey5 said:

    Also, Eien no trinity single when?

    Eien no Trinity is like Spiderman to marvel studio. :))
  • InvaderInvader
    March 2015
    1737 Reputation
    I've finally had time to listen to the single. I like Link Link so much more than anything else on there. The others are nice but Link Link is the kind of song I really want to listen over and over again, not just tolerate when it pops up at random. Aarin is so great in it, she gives me goosebumps.

    I feel like Hashire Z was unnecessary but it's okay because the other songs make up for it.
  • asan
    March 2015
    462 Reputation
    Haru is ok. I don't like the mastering on Hashire. The others are just boring, but then I'm likely the wrong audience for the movie, too.
  • March 2015
    644 Reputation
    Make a Seishunfu message photo movie.
    Click on the make movie button below the sample movie
    Step 1. write a message (within 25 characters)
    Step 2. write your name (within 10 characters)
    Step 3. click on each box and upload 5 pictures (1.5MB per)
    Click the right grey button (決定)
    (If you click the left grey button, everything will reset)

    afterward you will be able to watch your video and get a link to share it as well as options to share it via SNS.
  • March 2015
    5201 Reputation
    Oricon(March 12)
    1. 13,737 KAT-TUN
    2. *7,966 SHINee
    3. *6,737 Busaiku
    4, **,*** Momoiro Clover Z

    1st - 33,615
    2nd - **,***
    3rd - **,***
  • March 2015
    131 Reputation
    I gave a translation of Yuku Haru Kuru Haru a shot. I've never tried to translate a song before, and I did this kind of quickly, so feel free to correct any mistakes. Also feel free to use the translation however you want if you credit me (and fix the typo in my username lol).


    あの日君と 歩き出した 道はここに続く
    The road I started walking on that day with you is unbroken here.
    あのころまだ 見えなかった 地平に立ってる
    I’m standing at a height I couldn’t see back then.
    変わりゆくことに 戸惑いもしたけれど
    I was lost among the constant changes, but
    each time my heart trembled
    新しい驚きや 見知らぬときめきが
    I tried to meet a new surprise and an unknown excitement.

    The birds flew away as they sang;
    私 鳴けず 飛ぶこともできず
    I can’t sing and I can’t fly;
    君は 弱さなんて見せないね
    You don’t show your weakness, huh.
    なのに君も 同じことを思ってたと 笑った
    For all that, you laughed, thinking the same things.
    行く春 Bye Bye 弥生の空
    Bye bye to the spring that goes away -- the spring sky
    来る春 Hello 本気になって
    Hello to the spring that comes -- get serious!
    I’ve got the courage that will let me go anywhere.
    愛すること 信じること
    Love; belief
    気高いこと 美しいこと
    Nobility; beauty
    すべてのことが 輝いていた
    All of it shines!
    I learned that from you.
    駆け上がった 坂道から 明日の海を見て
    From the road I ran up on the hill, gazing at tomorrow’s ocean,
    もう見えるくらい近くに あの波の向こうに
    I can almost see, close by, on the other side of the waves
    hope waiting
    私 上手く泳げないのにね
    Even though I can’t swim well, I burst into tears like I’m a fish.
    君は 弱音なんてはかないね
    You don’t even whimper, do you?
    ちょうど君も 同じことを感じてたと 笑った
    You laughed, feeling exactly the same thing.
    行く春 Bye Bye 霞の空
    Bye Bye to the spring that goes away; the hazy sky.
    来る春 Hello 花を咲かせ
    Hello to the spring that comes, make the flowers bloom!
    I’ve got the forever, unchanging truth.
    素直なこと 真面目なこと
    Frankness, earnestness,
    すがしいこと 正直なこと
    the cool breeze, honesty.
    すべてのことが とてもまぶしい
    They’re all so dazzling!
    I learned that from you.
    出会いがあって 別れがあって
    There are meetings and partings;
    春は嬉しくて 切なくて
    The spring is happy and heartbreaking;
    恋しくて めくるめくけれど
    beloved and blinding, but
    今のことは 忘れないよ
    I will never forget right now.
    たとえ何十回 春が来て
    No matter how many times the spring will come,
    過ぎたって 君を忘れない
    and pass away, I won’t forget you.
    新たな道を 共に真っ直ぐ歩き出そう
    Let’s start walking down a new road together.
    行く春 Bye Bye 霞の空
    Bye Bye to the spring that goes away; the hazy sky.
    来る春 Hello 花を咲かせ
    Hello to the spring that comes, make the flowers bloom!
    いつまでも変わらぬ真実を Smile
    The forever, unchanging, truth -- smile!
    行く春 Bye Bye 弥生の空
    Bye bye to the spring that goes; the spring sky.
    来る春 Hello 本気になって
    Hello to the spring that comes -- get serious!
    I’ve got the courage that will let me go anywhere
    愛すること 信じること
    Love, belief,
    気高いこと 美しいこと
    nobility, beauty,
    すべてのことが 輝いていた
    they all shine!
    I learned that from you.
    All the important things,
    I learned from you.
  • March 2015
    38 Reputation

    I gave a translation of Yuku Haru Kuru Haru a shot.

    Thanks for the translation! I've been listening to this song over and over for the past hour. It starts out rather tuneless, but then that beautiful chorus hits and I can't get enough of it. =D> "The spring is happy and heartbreaking." :)

    Yuku Haru and Link Link are the winners for me this time around. Hashire is a fine song, but the Z version doesn't add anything over the original, and Seishunfu continues to do very little for me.
  • honkey5honkey5
    March 2015
    304 Reputation

    mocha21 said:

    Eien no Trinity is like Spiderman to marvel studio. :))

    Next month is DBZ single, then comes summer events, so im not hoping for it to see the light until late autumn, if ever happens