General Discussion
  • December 2015
    5201 Reputation
    kwkm twitter
    I received an invitation from her. That festival is held next year?

    YUBI Matsuriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


  • December 2015
    264 Reputation
    That performance of Ikuze! Kaitou Shoujo really showcases the difference in singing ability between Momoclo and certain other groups. Wow.
  • December 2015
    5201 Reputation
  • honkey5honkey5
    December 2015
    304 Reputation

    That performance of Ikuze! Kaitou Shoujo really showcases the difference in singing ability between Momoclo and certain other groups. Wow.

    Now i REALLY HATE that custom of abreviating the songs for TV . I know, shorter versions = more songs. But this was like, a verse, a chorus and that was it

  • December 2015
    3398 Reputation
    That's called a medley :)
  • honkey5honkey5
    December 2015
    304 Reputation
    Lol. I stand corrected. But meant in general, like in Music Japan and most variety shows
  • December 2015
    5201 Reputation
  • December 2015
    372 Reputation

    That performance of Ikuze! Kaitou Shoujo really showcases the difference in singing ability between Momoclo and certain other groups. Wow.

    Meh. Ikuze is a hard song to get right after a few hours of practice. They all sang their own songs well, so it's not like the other girls can't sing. And Momoclo had some issues with one of the other songs too (Oogoe Diamond).

    This reminds me, I saw Takahashi Ai (ex Momusu), do a little singing on TV recently (torrent is on hello-online, not sure what it's called, but it's pretty new so it should be easy to find). It blew my mind how amazing she was, even compared to her old self (she was a good singer even as an idol, but nothing like this).

    Point is, Momoclo, even Momoka, who's already very good, still have lots of room for improvement, and they could all develop into great singers if they had the right teachers, enough time and worked hard (they all have the voice and good enough relative pitch, at least as far as I can tell). Same for most other idols (though there are some who just can't sing). They're usually selected based on personality and looks, but talent evaluators do also want at least some basic talent for singing.
  • December 2015
    3398 Reputation
    Can't agree more.
    Momoclo actually isn't the best singing unit by a loooong shot. They make up for that by personality ten-fold though
    But it's always how much individuality is allowed as well. Momusu has some really weird characters like Masaki Sato, Kanon Suzuki or Erina Ikuta who would bloom in a Stardust setting I'm sure

    This reminds me, I saw Takahashi Ai (ex Momusu), do a little singing on TV recently (torrent is on hello-online, not sure what it's called, but it's pretty new so it should be easy to find)

    I guess you meant this:

  • honkey5honkey5
    December 2015
    304 Reputation

    Point is, Momoclo, even Momoka, who's already very good, still have lots of room for improvement, and they could all develop into great singers if they had the right teachers, enough time and worked hard .

    I agree, but..

    I think the whole Folkmura idea was about that, to keep the girls from going stale as performers by singing the same songs over and over - we already witnessed some challenges the girls went trough, and some times the girls came victorious like Momoka´s "Anata", some times not like Tamai´s "Sotsugyo".

    But mangement isnt pushing for them to excel as singers, but as entertainers. They could develop in time as you say as good enough singers. But that´s not their niche.
    Their "thing" is to make people smile, not to impress the audiences with their singing and dancing talent - and that´s where you can notice why Momoka sometimes seems impatient at some of the rest girls antics, because she is the one who wishes to be noticed as a talented artist, not a comedian..

    Lol im not really making too much sense, forgive my ramblings. Im not disagreeing with no one, is just my 2 cents
  • December 2015
    3398 Reputation
    Actually you're right. Lol
  • December 2015
    372 Reputation
    honkey5 said:

    I think the whole Folkmura idea was about that, to keep the girls from going stale as performers by singing the same songs over and over

    And it worked. Their singing improved a lot over the last year. What they need however (and I hope the new albums bring) is new songs, of the caliber they released back in 2013/early 2014, to match that improvement.
    honkey5 said:

    Their "thing" is to make people smile, not to impress the audiences with their singing and dancing talent

    I'm not sure about that. Certainly, their openness (almost to the point that they're a reality show, with a lot of the backstage staff and decision being exposed to the public) is special, but, from my perspective at least, their "thing" is the music. They're not the only idol group with personality and humor, but they're the only idol group singing songs like Mugen no Ai and Saraba...and they have that fearless enthusiasm that can take over a 50,000 person audience, while performing those songs. But it starts with the songs. If Momoclo were just five enthusiastic and funny girls with typical idol songs (like AKB have), I would maybe take some notice, check out a few TV appearances, but I would definitely not take the time to watch their DVDs, and if I was in Japan, I would definitely not bother going to their concerts. What I find great about them is the music and the way they perform that music (how it is better than the way typical modern rock bands's more like what Freddie or Jim Morrison used to do on stage, than what some stone faced, dull, hipster alt rock band does). And their Japanese audience, as far as I can tell at least, seems to feel the same way.

    Their personality and humor are great, but I don't think it can keep them at the level of success they've been enjoying. They need to take the music that differentiates them from other idols to the next level, by getting new songs (hopefully making up with Hyadain will produce one or two, and showing off their improved singing while performing them...and then continuing to improve their their musical abilities in general (singing, learning the guitar and the piano), and continuing to work with talented songwriters, until hopefully they themselves can become songwriters (that's a bumpy road in itself, and I'm sure it will be plagued with many failures if they ever get there, but it is the only way for a band relying on music to be successful in the long term).

    They of course might take another route, and try to be TV hosts and entertainers first, while singing generic pop songs on the side, but that's not what made them great so far. So what are the odds that it will work? Lots of people try that, and the vast majority fail. Are the members of Momoclo really that funny and entertaining, that they could grab an audience just by talking on TV? They haven't proven that, so far. They did prove that they can grab an audience by performing weird but well composed songs though.
  • honkey5honkey5
    December 2015
    304 Reputation
    Hum, im not disowning my previous comment but yeah , i pretty much i cornered myself a bit . Im not dissing their music at all ( i wouldnt be typing this if that was the case) and im definetively hoping their new albums are a risky step ahead instead of a safe by-the-numbers rehashing of their old songs.

  • December 2015
    372 Reputation
    Thanks, honkey5...even though my comment was way long winded.

    In case someone doesn't feel like reading through all that, I'd like for Momoclo to aim for this:

    ...instead of Arashi. The guy in the video was a shy, introverted person, btw. He's not doing all that through natural charisma and personality...he's doing it with absolute musical competence and just knowing what to do on stage (the latter of which Momoclo should have no problem with).

  • December 2015
    3398 Reputation
    For me it wasn't their music at all. The songs were fun but they won't be able to portray them in a few years convincingly anymore once they grow older
    For me it was indeed the wacky style and humor
    Sorry to say that but they will never excel singing wise. But hey, neither did SMAP.
    And that's the direction that could make them last in my opinion.
    And don't forget the biggest hurdle of them all: Motherhood
    That can only be compensated if they develop an entertainment life not solely based upon concerts and recordings in my opinion

    But it only goes to show that Momoclo means different things to different people :)
  • December 2015
    144 Reputation

    honkey5 said:

    Their "thing" is to make people smile, not to impress the audiences with their singing and dancing talent

    I'm not sure about that. Certainly, their openness (almost to the point that they're a reality show, with a lot of the backstage staff and decision being exposed to the public) is special, but, from my perspective at least, their "thing" is the music. They're not the only idol group with personality and humor, but they're the only idol group singing songs like Mugen no Ai and Saraba...and they have that fearless enthusiasm that can take over a 50,000 person audience, while performing those songs. But it starts with the songs.

    I agree that the uniqueness of the songs was a big part of what got them noticed, along with the fact that their sort of group philosophy went against the "traditional" idol model entrenched by Morning Musume and then AKB48. However, the music is really the work of people other than the girls - I'd say that as far as the girls themselves go, their first and foremost "thing" is to make people smile and bring out the energy of the music. They don't need to become amazing singers or dancers to accomplish that; a lot of the genius of Momoclo's music, imo, is that it works so perfectly with what they are right now.
  • December 2015
    3398 Reputation
    The FNS Kayousai Live as 720p mp4

    The Idol Collaborational Medley:
    1. FNS超選抜 (ヘビーローテーション)
    2. モーニング娘。'15 × ℃-ute × アンジュルム × AKB48 (LOVEマシーン)
    3. ももいろクローバーZ × 私立恵比寿中学 × チームしゃちほこ (Chai Maxx)
    4. AKB48 × 乃木坂46 (会いたかった)
    5. 乃木坂46 × AKB48 × 欅坂46 (制服のマネキン)
    6. モーニング娘。'15 × ℃-ute × アンジュルム × ももいろクローバーZ (恋愛レボリューション21)
    7. AKB48 × ももいろクローバーZ (大声ダイヤモンド)
    8. ももいろクローバーZ × AKB48 (行くぜっ!怪盗少女)
    9. アイドルメドレーALL LINE UP (恋するフォーチュンクッキー)
    The funniest part being the Reni-Eripon battle in "Renai Revolution 21" :)
    image image image
    image image image

    And those allergic to AKB beware there's also the NMB/SKE/Takahashi part in the torrent...
    Though the Takamina-Nishikawa number with the windblowers is just as funny!
    image image image
  • honkey5honkey5
    December 2015
    304 Reputation
    As a big Takamina supporter, this stuff is so bittersweet - because its great, but in a couple of month´s time, she will be gone :(
  • December 2015
    3398 Reputation
    She won't be part of AKB anymore but I doubt that she will be gone...

    Sakazaki Kounosuke no Momoiro Rock Christmas
  • AzureusAzureus
    December 2015
    1470 Reputation
    HOTWAVE CM 12/30
    Look like it's going to be a great show. :))