MomocloChan Translation Project
    July 2014
    111 Reputation
    What I need is a second translator. Eri, the one who has translated all MomocloChans, has only one day a week available to work on the subs (a day that she also uses for other personal chores). Things became difficult after she got a new job. So unfortunately, money wouldn't make her translate any faster, the problem is available time.

    After we are finished subbing this second DVD, we will ponder the option to shift focus and translate random Momoclo stuff rather than MomocloChan, if that allows for a faster release rate.
  • OM617OM617
    July 2014
    176 Reputation
    Please please please, translate Akari's graduation!
    July 2014
    111 Reputation
    MomocloChan Sub#7

    In this episode:

    We go behind the scenes of the VTRs used for the Nihon Seinenkan concert.

    Translation: Eri Lancaster
    Proofreading: MrAchiKochi
    Special Thanks to Azureus.

    Taken from Momoiro Clover Channel - Kessen wa Kinyo Gogo 6 ji! DVD Box DVD 2.
  • dmkdmk
    July 2014
    104 Reputation
    Thank you so much!!!
  • Nantok
    July 2014
    589 Reputation
    Thank you very much for the MomocloChan subs! :)
  • eyelesseyeless
    July 2014
    2256 Reputation
    Uploaded to vimeo, MomocloChan Sub #7

  • July 2014
    644 Reputation
    I'd help translate, though my Japanese isn't near fluent.
  • July 2014
    38 Reputation
    Thanks very much for the translation and sub. Momoclo needs a dedicated subbing team like Crayon Pop has. They seem to crank out new videos every few days. But I appreciated how difficult and time consuming it is.

    It's painful for me to see Reni from this time period, she looks so gaunt and unhealthy. But they are all having such fun. It's crazy to think that they hadn't yet performed their first "real" concert, and here they are in 2014 filling huge stadiums like it's nothing.
    July 2014
    111 Reputation
    If you want to give it a try, choose something short and translate it. If the translation is good enough so Eri only has to make small corrections or just some sentences, then we might work from there. Send me a PM with the translation if and when you finish it.

    In theory we are a dedicated subbing team. Just a second translator would allow me to release at a more decent pace. Actually, hadn't Eri become so restricted by her job, we would be releasing an episode, monthly, and sometimes twice a month.

    As for Reni, I am happy she is healthy now.
  • OM617OM617
    July 2014
    176 Reputation

    As for Reni, I am happy she is healthy now.

    Very much. She was so sluggish in this episode it looked like she could fall asleep if she wasn't so scared of falling through the floor!

    October 2014
    111 Reputation
    Coming very soon...

  • October 2014
    45 Reputation
  • dmkdmk
    October 2014
    104 Reputation
    I was hoping this would get subbed eventually! I can't wait!
  • OM617OM617
    October 2014
    176 Reputation
    Oh crap, I just realized I have an unread PM from you from August 23! Sorry I couldn't be much help...
    Still I'm super excited about this one!
  • October 2014
    904 Reputation
    You're going to punch me in the gut with FEELS????? TTATT AKARIN!!! TTATT
    October 2014
    111 Reputation
    A day for a Momoclo Marathon

    Hayami Akari Final (Subtitled Edition) is going to be released this weekend, and even if you've seen this concert before, finally understanding the words that were spoken on this transcendental event of Momoclo's history, is going to be a brand new experience.

    Here then, is a small guide on how you can transform the day of the release into a special day dedicated to Momoiro Clover and its transformation to Momoiro Clover Z.

    -MomocloChan Sub 14: Best way to start is, of course, with the moment Akari announced her departure to the girls and to the fans. Great for building anticipation for the actual graduation concert.
    Approximate duration: 1 hour.

    -4.10, Stage 1: As you might know, the 4.10 event was comprised of two concerts. If you want to live it like a hardcore fan that paid for, and attended both, you should watch this as well and first. With special solo and duet performances from the girls, that are later referenced in the final concert. Hopefully you have the DVD/Blu-ray, if not, download it, but then be sure to buy it, to support the group.
    Approximate duration: 2 hours.

    -Hayami Akari Final: Unlike the compressed and handpicked edit we did on the Summer Dive 2011, Akari's graduation concert has been translated and subtitled in its entirety; lyrics, MCs, final messages... Have your tissues (or handkerchief, if you prefer) ready, for this one.
    Approximate duration: 3 hours.

    -Making of 4.10 Documentary: See how the girls prepared for the event, and what were their reactions just after it finished, subtitled in english.
    Approximate duration: 30 minutes.

    So there it is, almost 7 hours of pure Momomclo. Prepare some burgers, buy some beer, and have a good weekend.
  • October 2014
    139 Reputation
    Wonderful, it'll like that time when i watched the whole Lord of the rings' trilogy, but with a lot more feelings involved. Thanks for yours and Eri's hard work.
  • EmceeZEmceeZ
    October 2014
    264 Reputation
    Oh god I am so excited for this... I have to get my tissue box ready!
  • October 2014
    45 Reputation
    Ohh man, i've been saving the last documentary, glad a did. Thank you so much this is going to be epic.
  • OM617OM617
    October 2014
    176 Reputation
    This is absolutely fantastic. I have already watched the Final and felt their emotions, but to know exactly what they are saying will be a whole new experience!

    Thank you!