General Discussion
  • ColeenaColeena
    January 2015
    174 Reputation
    It'll probably be taken down soon, but:
    Seems like the show is very Momoclo-aware, haha. Z Densetsu at the beginning, people have spotted Momoka and Kanako? in the paintings on the walls, etc.
    Seriously, Aarin fits so perfectly into her role, she definitely deserves some more solo TV appearances.
  • January 2015
    5201 Reputation
  • January 2015
    644 Reputation
    Holy balls, Ahrin gets her own custom pink Wing Gundam!?
  • asan
    January 2015
    462 Reputation
    This was great. Let's hope they do it again.

    One of the Gundam designers has Aarin Manchoko on his desk, and Yamada explains that she's very popular around there.

    The paintings of Momoka and Kanako are her grandmother and great-grandmother.

    Yamada: pretending to be sleeping like in an idol image video won't save you
    Ojou: I was thinking that we're now in a slot where people want to see this [airs around midnight]
  • January 2015
    5201 Reputation
  • January 2015
    3398 Reputation
  • InvaderInvader
    January 2015
    1737 Reputation
    It looks good because it covers her ears which were my main concern :)) but it also looks like she cut it herslef in front of the mirror, rebel Kanako =))
  • January 2015
    262 Reputation
    well that was unexpected
  • January 2015
    472 Reputation
    Ok, I'm starting to believe it was true... Need more pics!
  • RevanRevan
    January 2015
    230 Reputation
    momomofu said:


    Thannks For the video momomofu T_T this is the best things so far since 30th Dec 2014 (momoka got sick and kanako T_T ....)Aahrin + Gundam plamo >_<, but i thing RG Zeta Limited Edition is more suit for Aahrin than custom Wing Gundam zero cause it's Amuro Suit XD or maybe Char Gundam RX 78-2<br />
    Btw does anyone know any news or latest pics of momoka it's almost two weeks and she is still have nausal voice .... n no blog update .... feeling worried
  • RevanRevan
    January 2015
    230 Reputation
    one more bad thing is stardust idol section moving to wrong direction ..... just like Freddie said "too much love will kill you just as sure as too much idol group you produced and fight for the same cookies will kill you" .... I thought KWKM is more than that .... i guess he is still after all like MCZ said "bad adult that forced them around" or is it greed and power .... sheesh ... stardust 3b now feels like new 48gumi ....
  • asan
    January 2015
    462 Reputation
    It's hard to know whether Stardust's shareholders are pushing down or managers are trying to rise up. If they were an evil company the ratio of successfully promoted girls would be lower. And just like AKB fans don't have to follow HKT you don't need to know everybody in 3B.
  • January 2015
    32 Reputation
    Shirorin is growing out her hair...
    Kanako is going with a short cut...
    mind is blown
  • RevanRevan
    January 2015
    230 Reputation
    don't worry i don't follow ne one else cept MCZ and Akarin , not even their oldest younger sister :) don't mention other group from other management ... i don't Like Idol simple as that XD (and i don't think MCZ is Idol group more of girl group like TLC or Spice girl with a litle bit of Manzai in it XD), it's just that more girls = attention got split more , remember why osaretai is formed :) , MCZ succes one of the reason is KWKM full attention to them and from the stardust back office fully support them and they can be lot bigger if it still like that , even if i don't like it they got collab with KISS (love the song tough), who knows they might event got collab with other more respectable artist in the future and got international debut in europe or even America (bleh), and thats why they need their manager to work hard for them more now than ever .... and not the other way arround :(
  • January 2015
    3398 Reputation
    Personally they don't have to get any bigger for me. They don't have to branch out to the West either.
    And if they wanted to do collabs with more respectable artists they would have to work HARD on getting better technically as great singers they certainly are not.
    I think they way they are is great and if they maintain that level it's more than perfect for me
  • mocha21mocha21
    January 2015
    380 Reputation
    Actually they're moving toward the right direction as opposed to pre 2014 3B. Director Fujishita was too obsessed about making everyone else under his wing to become idols. As a result several girls with potentials just gave up about it, Akarin, Hirono, Mizuki, Shiori Odagiri, Meina, you name it. This is their best move unless they want to ditch those little girls that genuinely want to become an idol (and is targeted a lawsuit by their parents). I think they're aiming for Johnny's business model instead of 48's, it's at least confirmed that Ebichu won't get the member rotation and the new 3B unit has a fixed lineup. Everyone from 90's will remember Nakai from SMAP just like he is now, on the other hand ten years for now people will have no clue about AKB48's Atsuko. 3B main groups have a fixed lineup and Momoclo is also aiming to become a long lasting group like Arashi. Just like Invader pointed out, it's indeed a long-term project, 3B will create another groups to be loved in the future, another Kanjanis or Kis my Ft2. The fact that 3Bjunior WEST name is suspiciously similar to Johnny's WEST doesn't help either.

    and one more thing for sure, unlike the 48s, they will never appeared in swimsuits in Weekly Playboy. :)
    random guess: they created exactly three new groups to make the "seven" in "Nanairo no Stardust" relevant again. (Momo, Ebi, Syachi, Tako, 3Bjr, WEST, Sakuraebi)
  • RevanRevan
    January 2015
    230 Reputation
    well don't know bout johny , but if its bout look >>>>> music , then i guess its not for me, and Matt off course i mean the girls also need to work hard and learn more bout music and sing technic thats why i really happy when they started Folkmura , i got the feeling yeah they gone the right way, and i think reni kanako and ahrin shows an improvement in their singing ability. and they still can grow ... and why i mention international debut is i guess it's the only way that they can get bigger, they also can get bigger in japan and make the whole world acknowledge bout them but i think it's much harder

    btw sorry for bad english , believe me i don't have any ill intention toward any group it's just prolly cause of my bad english and i'm kind of straight forward and open person so don't take it to your heart XD
  • January 2015
    262 Reputation
    Yeah I agree that I think they seem to be making smart moves with 3BJ recently. The decision to keep Ebichu intact is the best news I've heard in a while. I was half expecting them to make Mayama graduate since she's 18 now. They're such a strong group.

    I could see Momoclo following a kind of Perfume-type career arc. They'll turn into an institution, and with luck, their music will mature with them.

    edit: I don't think Momoclo really need to expand their reach much further than they are now. Trying to drum up international attention seems like a losing bet. Ignoring what I said above, they'll probably end up being more like SMAP or Arashi and just being a permanent fixture in the culture.
  • January 2015
    3398 Reputation
    Oh no prob Revan. I didn't see your comment as being negative :)

    As for international ambitions you can foirget that as long as they don't speak a decent amount of English anyway.
    And it would divert attention from what's important as well.
    Folk Mura was the best thing they created last year, even if it sometimes painfully exhibits their shortcomings. Lol
    That's why they're idols (and I don't see that in a bad way being an idol fan :) )
    They are a combination of singing, dancing, acting and comedy.
    They can do a bit of everything but nothing on a top level
    But that's okay. That's what makes it entertaining
  • InvaderInvader
    January 2015
    1737 Reputation
    I also think there's no need to expand internationally, if it happens great, but I think the more you push things like that, the more you fail.

    Becoming better singers is something they must work on, but I also hope they won't lose their energy or become too boring in the process.

    As for the moves STARDUST is doing.. what worries me is that it might be too many new things at the same time, that in the end people (like me) won't check any of the news groups because they don't know were to start.

    I kinda also worry about the 3BJr girls, it feels like they're putting too much pressure on them, and have too many expectations, before they've actually done anything. They haven't got a single out yet right? But either way they know next year they'll perform at Saitama Super Arena on their own.

    One thing STARDUST did incredibly well with Momoclo, Ebichu and Syachi was progression. All of those groups had to fight their way up, it never really felt like they were given stuff for free. And I hope that remains the same and they don't get overconfident thinking everything they put out is going to work because it's them...