AE Fan Club Comics in English
  • October 2017
    3398 Reputation
    #594 + 595 October 18 + 20
    image image

    The translated pics will follow on the weekend
  • October 2017
    284 Reputation

    title} MomoPro Red&White Sport's Festival (9)

    1} (PA) Now, the last event, Cavalry Battle!

    2} S: Before, I lost but...
    S: If we win here, we can come from behind!

    3} A: I'm A-rin...
    (background) glance

    4} A: People call me, "Cavalry King A-Rin"!!
    S: You again!
  • October 2017
    284 Reputation

    title} MomoPro Red&White Sport's Festival (10)

    1} (PA) Begin!
    (background) Yaaaaaaah

    2-3} (background) WmmmmWmmm

    4} (panel) Pressure is so great that nobody will come and attack
    (background) yah yaaah


    title} MomoPro Red&White Sport's Festival (11)

    1} (background) yoink yoink yoink

    2} S: Did everybody forget that I'm the queen of Karuta...? (tr: )
    (background) gleam

    3} K: Way to go Tamaiiii!
    (background) Ohhhh

    4} (background) Durr hehheh
  • October 2017
    3398 Reputation
    #596 October 22

    The translated pics will have to wait til mid week when my current production is over
  • October 2017
    284 Reputation
    You mean, for once I'm not the bottleneck?! Weird world! (subtext: ya'll've been patient with me, so I think we can all be patient with Mattthecat)


    title} MomoPro Red&White Sport's Festival (12)

    1} A: Of course the last one left is you

    2} (background) clench

    3} (center background) push push push
    (above Shiori) Am... Amazing...

    4} S: Amazingly sweaty hands!!
    (background) squelch

    I'm starting to wonder if A-rin insulted Kojo... Recently he's on a bit of an A-rin slagging-jag
  • October 2017
    3398 Reputation
    Thanks for letting me off the hook :)

    #597 October 24
  • October 2017
    284 Reputation

    title} MomoPro Red&White Sport's Festival (13)

    1} S: Whoah
    (background) wobble

    2} S: This battle...

    3} S: I can't afford to loooose!!
    (background) yoink

    4} A: Long arms!
  • October 2017
    3398 Reputation
    #598 October 26
  • October 2017
    3398 Reputation
    #590 + 591 translated
    image image

    #592 + 593 translated
    image image

    #599 October 28
  • October 2017
    284 Reputation

    title} MomoPro Red&White Sport's Festival (14)

    1} (out of frame Kanako) Tamai! Tamai!!

    2} K: Thank god! You're awake!

    4} S: I can't wake up without a good morning kiss...
    K: Liar!
    (background) thunk


    title} MomoPro Red&White Sport's Festival (15)

    1} K: While you were sleeping, the Sport's Festival ended
    S: Huh!?

    2} S: Who won?
    S: Red team!?
    S: White team!?

    4} K: Tamai, is your skin darker?
    S: Who cares about that right now!
  • October 2017
    3398 Reputation
    Finally caught up :)

    #594 + 595 translated

    #596 + 597 translated
    image image

    #598 + 599 translated
    image image
  • October 2017
    264 Reputation
    Thanks as always for the work you guys put in :) If I could make one suggestion though, it would be to put links explaining a concept in the comic (like the competetive karuta) as text in the post, instead of in the image, so you can actually click/copy-paste the link.
  • October 2017
    3398 Reputation
    No prob.
    Mostly I use Greyface's links anyway but should I find something else I will put it in the description as well (see #595)

    #600 October 30
  • November 2017
    3398 Reputation
    And on to a new story :)

    #601 November 1
  • November 2017
    3398 Reputation
    #602 November 3
  • November 2017
    3398 Reputation
    #603 November 5
  • November 2017
    3398 Reputation
    #604 November 7
  • November 2017
    3398 Reputation
    #605 November 9
  • November 2017
    3398 Reputation
    #606 November 11
  • November 2017
    284 Reputation
    Uhh... Hi everybody!

    Destiny 2 is a dangerous substance.


    title} MomoPro Red&White Sport's Festival (16)

    1} K: Thanks to you, our team won!
    S: Really!?

    2} S: Praise me, praise meee ♪
    (background) Yeah!

    3} K: Good work ♡
    (background) peck

    4} S: That's why she's my goddess... ♡
    (background) Thunk
    K: She collapsed again!


    title} Momoka's Culture Festival (1)

    1} (panel) Today is my school's culture festival
    (marquee over the door) Culture Festival

    2} KWKM: That's the photography club's photo gallery?
    M: Teacher, you dropped something...
    (background) flutter

    3} (flyer title) Culture Festival Vocalist Competition
    (center section) Don't you want to show off your voice at this year's culture festival? Anybody who loves to sing is welcome!!
    (bottom) First prize is this camera!! (tr: there's a kanji ?error? here, maybe intentionally, dunno 商品 (commercial product) 賞品 (prize))

    4} M: I wanna enter!


    title} Momoka's Culture Festival (2)

    1} M: This... This...
    KWKM: Oh, that?

    2} KWKM: We always end the festival with a vocalist competition
    KWKM: Whatsit, Ariyasu wanted to enter?
    (sign) Vocalist Competition

    3} M: Obviously I'd want to enter!!
    M: Why didn't you tell me about it!?

    4} KWKM: Hmm? I didn't say anything?
    M: That again


    title} Momoka's Culture Festival (3)

    1} KWKM: The first prize camera...
    KWKM: You want it, Ariyasu?

    2} M: Nuh uh
    M: I just want my song to reach out and touch everybody...!

    3} KWKM: So, if you happen to get it, donate it to the club supplies, ok?

    4} M: Yeah, but, if you put it that way, I guess I'd take it?
    KWKM: CheapYasu
    (background) hah ha haaaa


    title} Momoka's Culture Festival (4)

    1} M: I guess I should tell everybody that I'm entering the vocalist competition!
    (background) tap tap

    2} (message) This evening I'm entering the culture festival's vocalist competiion! Everybody Come! (・θ<)-☆<br />(background) and... send

    3} M: It's not getting marked as read...
    M: Everybody's busy 'cause it's the middle of the culture festival...?
    (background) bummed

    4} M: If that's who it's going to be,
    M: I'll have to tell everybody in person!


    title} Momoka's Culture Festival (5)

    1} M: Reni's class is doing a haunted house?
    (sign) Haunted House

    2} M: Wonder if Reni's inside? If I can, I'd rather not go in..
    (background) tap

    3} R: Oh? Ari-chan?
    M: Reni!

    4} R: Don't be shy, go on in!
    M: It's not thaaaat!
    (background) push push


    title} Momoka's Culture Festival (6)

    1} M: Reniii, where'd you goooo?

    2} (background) silence...

    3} R: Haaate...

    4} (over Reni) thump thump
    (over Momoka) eeeeeee