Introduce yourself
  • Paco
    January 2013
    331 Reputation
    @Gekiganger Z
    Another German! Yay! I am not alone ;-)
    Have fun!
  • January 2013
    11 Reputation
    I've always heard the term, at least on Japanese sites, as being "mononofu". It seems that some people use "momonofu" if they are Momoka fans though. I think "mononofu" was originally referring to the samurai class or something related to it.
  • January 2013
    11 Reputation
    [quote="Monkey Pop"]Welcome to you!!
    About Momoka, I guess you are referring to the concerts when she cries and so? She seems so fragile in these moments, I cannot even imagine it's acting haha.
    kwkm is their manager Kawakami. Contrary to other managers, you can see him very often in pictures and TV shows.
    A Momonofu is a Momoclo fan.
    Beginner is amazing right?!
    im referring to a tv show, momoka had to touch something glibberish in an box. and after that she had to open a box-thing with fake snakes in it . She was so scared. On the other hand she was bungee jumping. I would die if I bungee jump. maybe my imagination.
    the beginner PV is directed by Nakashima, maybe you like his movies?
    @all thanks for teaching me momonofu.
  • Maka
    January 2013
    30 Reputation
    I should have do this like 2 months ago, but hello there everyone!

    NAME: Maka
    DATE OF BIRTH:10 March 1993
    LOCATION: Singapore
    GENDER: Male
    ABOUT ME: Firm believer of "Dreams do come true"

    What you like from Momoiro Clover Z?: Do you ever listen or watch to something and feels like " Ah... " and just fell in love with it? That's what happen to me. From energy, presentation,feels and personality it just click with me and makes me think "Ah.. this one idol group I can follow". Also, I can't help to admire them who are the same age/younger then me and have already done so much things that I will never able to do in this my live time like becoming famous.

    Your favorite member: Everyone. The solo or unit songs are fantastic but still lose compare to when all members perform together.
    Your favorite band/singer/group: Hatsune Miku, MC/Z , Bump of Chicken, B'z, Scandal, and some others.
    Your favorite song: From this group : Overture, Ikuze and Z Densetsu.
    Your favorite actor/actress: Stephen Chow, Takako Matsu, Kenichi Matsuyama and some.
    Your favorite movie/drama:Confession (Japanese Movie), a perfect example of just how scary a mother's revenge to those that hurt their child can be.
  • January 2013
    11 Reputation
    Welcome to you
    I just saw we like the same movie.
    So have fun!
  • eyelesseyeless
    January 2013
    2256 Reputation
    @Maka, took that long before you introduce yourself ^^

    Welcome here /hi
  • February 2013
    14 Reputation
    Hello everyone! I am not new to JPop by any means, but I have recently started getting into momoclo and decided to join this forum as a way to get more information about them, as I have in the past with Hello! Project. :)

    DATE OF BIRTH:November 28
    ABOUT ME:I have been a fan of J-pop since middle school! I am 28, I'm old. I mainly follow the Hello! Project but momoclo has impressed me so much I am expanding my horizons. I love to sing and play video games. I work right now one on one with a little boy with autism, and one day I would like to be a teacher...either primary education or in an autism support classroom. I was originally going to go to law school but after working with this child as a "temporary" job (it's been six years), he completely changed my mind. I have lived in Japan twice: nine months in Osaka for study abroad, and a year in Chiba for JET. I liked Osaka better. :)
    What you like from Momoiro Clover Z?:The songs are just so epic. I don't know how to put it any differently than that.
    Your favorite member: Momoka
    Your favorite band/singer/group:My favorite band is Blue Oyster Cult, my favorite singer is Hayashibara Megumi, and my favorite group is Berryz Koubou
    Your favorite song:The mainstays are "Give a Reason" by Hayashibara Megumi, "Blurry Eyes" by L'arc~en~Ciel, and "SEXY BOY~Soyokaze ni Yorisotte" by Morning Musume, but m real "favorite song" is always changing...right now it's "WANT!" by Berryz Koubou.
    Your favorite actor/actress:Jim Carrey!
    Your favorite movie/drama:The Exorcist.
  • eyelesseyeless
    February 2013
    2256 Reputation
    Interesting @yuzuriha, I hope you enjoy it here

    Welcome /hi
  • February 2013
    66 Reputation
    Welcome! (^^)
  • February 2013
    11 Reputation
    Welcome! Good to see you here! Didn't we used to chat every now and then on the MMBBS back in the day?

    Kevin, aka "cykeichan"
  • February 2013
    14 Reputation

    Welcome! Good to see you here! Didn't we used to chat every now and then on the MMBBS back in the day?

    Kevin, aka "cykeichan"

    Yeah we totally did! We were supposed to get together at some point while I was on JET in Chiba I think too...but then Aika happened and I stopped posting on the BBS as much. /cry
  • February 2013
    284 Reputation
    Hi everybody,
    I've already posted a bit here or there, but I guess I should introduce myself too?

    I'm Greyface (it says so just to the left, so you know it's true). I use that handle more or less everywhere I can, so if you happen to be a Hello-Online person, and know a Greyface, that's me. But I don't post there so much anymore.

    I "came around" to MomoClo pretty much this winter vacation.

    A little after Yokohama Arena "Masaka no 2 days" just from numb curiosity, I rented the All Stars ltd. ed. DVD from a CD store (Tsutaya), and listened to it like 50x in 1 week, got choked up a couple times listening to "Jimusho ni Motto Orsaretai". Then put it away and didn't really think about them much. Well after the fact, I came across the video of Kishidan's Johnny going deredere and then watched the Kishidan/MomoClo collaboration songs... but then kinda put it away and didn't really think about them much.

    Over at the H-O tracker, a couple dozen episodes of MomoClo-Chan came up on torrent, and since it was winter break and I had lots of time on my hands, I downloaded them just for no reason. AND THEN IT WAS OVER. These days, I wake up in the morning and the first thing to run through my head after "what time is it? Do I have to get up NOW?!?" is usually some brain-gluey MomoClo song jumping back into my brain from a dead-stop. I did about a week of Orange Note every morning, this morning was Moretsu (etc etc etc).

    I have no actual "oshimen" I kind of hate the concept (of oshimen) and wish it had stayed put in the world of ●●48 (where it makes sense). But when push comes to shove I'm a bigger fan of Ariyasu and then Kanako↑↑ but everybody brings their special something to the group and I like them all.

    My Japanese comprehension is not so bad, so I'm happy to help with that stuff when I can.
  • February 2013
    66 Reputation
    Welcome here Greyface!
    Well, I'm on H!O but I'm not very active =3=
  • eyelesseyeless
    February 2013
    2256 Reputation
    @Greyface, I'm on H!O as well, only at Momoclo's thread lol
  • February 2013
    0 Reputation
    Hello. I was registered since a long time but i was too lazy to participate... but i have to change it, so here i am :)

    So who am I? A man named romain and my username is romainfan (not original at all, I know :D)
    I'm 20 years old. I come from Lyon, in France. BTW, sorry for my english :P

    If i'm here, it's because i'm a mononofu of course :) I don't have favorite member. I love all of them... (well, maybe aarina little more ^^). It's also hard to choice a favorite song, all momoclo's songs are so awesome. Maybe a slight preference for ano sora e mukatte.

    I'm looking forward to participate in this forum.
  • eyelesseyeless
    February 2013
    2256 Reputation
    Welcome here romainfan /hi
  • yveliiyvelii
    February 2013
    10 Reputation
    Hey, welcome Romainfan.
    Me too I'm french and I took some time before beginning to participate, you'll see that this forum is very nice, as his members. ^^

    I'm from Nantes and I search some french mononofu to share about them, it would be a pleasure to talk with you outside of this forum.
    (I make the website if you didn't knew it)

    And maybe do you know the TV Channel Nolife ? ( )
    This channel brings some Momoclo's PV and you can vote for them, the results of this weekly votes are sent to Japanese majors and artists so it's important for showing the popularity of them in France.
    And as you can see, my english is poor, but it's ok here. ^^
  • February 2013
    5201 Reputation
    Welcome here /hi
  • erimeaerimea
    February 2013
    74 Reputation
    wow. everybody is catching up on their introductions O_O err ... here's mine then.

    my name is chie but i use erimea to almost every forum or game i join in. im an otaku teehee and i love collecting gashapons <3 i also love to draw and play the drums. im a BIG BIG fan of utada hikaru and maximum the hormone!! \m/

    i first encountered momoclo while watching yosuga no sora (dont ask .... :P) i really like pinky jones so did some research. unfortunately i immediately shrugged them off after finding out that they were idols :(

    years later mouretsu pirates aired and i was completely blown away with its op and end song so i thought maybe this idol group is worth checkin out. so that same night i went to youtube and checked some vids ..... 3 hours later i was still watching random momoclo vids! i became an instant stalker that night lol! /love then the rest is history.

    honestly, you guys are my only source of anything momoclo so sadly i dont have anything to offer in return :( all i can do is be active in this fantastic forum!!


    since i talked about my gashapon collection.....
  • yveliiyvelii
    February 2013
    10 Reputation
    Maybe you can not give news (in anyways Momomofu would be faster /whisper) but you share creations and I think it's two things really important for this forum, so you'r really important here. ^^
    By the way, you'r picture make me lough a lot !