General Discussion
  • ebizoriebizori
    April 2017
    2293 Reputation
    And by the way, Momokuro had "Shirome"
  • MM305
    April 2017
    435 Reputation
    But Shriome is a drama show, right? That's why I mentioned action/horror specfically.

    Either way, this aquarium appearance just speaks to MCZ's high popularity and marketing. It's like everywhere you turn (in Japan) there's a MCZ cameo or their own version of a specific media: Commercials, kids shows, clothes, beach balls, Dolls, films, towels, puppets, cars, etc.

    I can't even imagine what more media they haven't done yet.
  • April 2017
    264 Reputation
    You're probably thinking of Momo+dra which is the drama series. Shirome is a horror movie they did years ago (when Akarin was still in the group).
  • RainyRainy
    April 2017
    30 Reputation
    I wonder why the other three girls didn't go in the water, why it was just MomoTamai?

    I also want to add that I don't think the aquarium show was the best idea because of the ethicality problems associated with putting whales and dolphins in captivity.
  • April 2017
    3398 Reputation
    I guess they have two trained animals for that show

    I agree that it's a problematic issue
    But when you consider events like the Taiji dolphin drive slaughter or the whale hunting it is a topic not seen as unethical by many in Japan I'm afraid
  • April 2017
    264 Reputation
    Yeah, I thought about the ethical question as well. For me as a European it feels like the whole problem with keeping animals in aquariums and training them for shows has only gained mainstream traction these past few years, with people actually starting to react to it. It's far from everyone though, and those kind of concerns might not have reached Japan yet.
  • April 2017
    372 Reputation
    Rainy said:

    I also want to add that I don't think the aquarium show was the best idea because of the ethicality problems associated with putting whales and dolphins in captivity.

    They're your ethical problems though, not theirs.

    There are about a billion people in the world who have ethical problems with women going out in public without a veil. There are just as many who consider cows sacred. So they're ignoring two billion people's ethics every time they leave the house to get a burger ...why should they treat yours any differently?
  • April 2017
    73 Reputation
    Yes, Momoclo did Shirome which was most definitely a horror movie. And as far as I know, it's still on Amazon. If you're a Prime member, you can watch it for free (in the USA at least).

    As for video games, they had a couple of songs in Just Dance WiiU (JP version), did a promotional event with Animal Crossing on 3DS where you could find a lot of their costumes, and even did a song specifically for Taiko No Tatsujin: Wii U Version! (Momoiro Daiko Dodon-ga Bushi).
  • April 2017
    3398 Reputation

    They're your ethical problems though, not theirs.

    That doesn't mean that people can't voice their discomfort over it.
    Like they did when the blackface thing happened

    I'm not losing any sleep over this one but fact is that these aquatic shows are getting closed in a lot of places
    (San Diego this January for example)

    But I certainly don't put any kind of blame on Momoclo as this isn't really an issue in Japan at all
  • April 2017
    372 Reputation
    The blackface thing is a little different, because it's a result of ignorance on their part (understandable ignorance, there's no reason why five Japanese girls, or even their producers, should be familiar enough with American history to understand the significance of blackface, but it's still ignorance). So letting them know about it was at least somewhat helpful...even though it was done in an idiotically aggressive manner, by people pretending to be offended, rather than trying to help.

    However, in this case, that excuse doesn't exist. Momoclo are not being disrespectful of another culture, or ignorant of another country's history. There is no excuse for acting like this newfound western animal rights fad is somehow a universal moral law Japan is supposed to take note of. It's not. It's one group of people, in one culture, choosing it as their own, personal morality. Just like the Hindus who worship cows.

    That doesn't mean that people can't voice their discomfort over it.

    Why would that discomfort even exist? Why should anyone be uncomfortable with different views and cultures?

    Wouldn't you find it a little odd (and moralizing), if a Hindu MCZ fan showed up in the Momoclo-chan cooking segment to explain why eating beef has "ethical problems attached to it"? Would a Hindu even be uncomfortable with the fact that the Japanese simply don't share his beliefs about cows? I can't imagine that happening.
  • April 2017
    3398 Reputation
    So animals rights a fad. Okay.
    You have your opinion. Others have theirs
  • April 2017
    372 Reputation
    Lots and lots of TV coverage:
  • April 2017
    962 Reputation
    Shiori Tamai Birthday BOOK 22
    Two pieces of photographs are attached to the buyer of "Shiori Tamai Birthday BOOK 22" in random from all eight kinds.

    "Ayaka Sasaki Birthday BOOK 21", the reservation begin on May 1.

  • MM305
    April 2017
    435 Reputation
    About this whole whale/dolphin thing: Isn't Japan rather infamous for their excessive killing on whales and dolphins? Especially since a lot of their foods are based around fish/ocean creatures (just like Americans are with cows/chicken)?

    I remember watching a documentary about that (forgot what is was called, either "blue" or "H20") where you see killer whales getting killed, leaving a pool of blood left. Even South Park made an episode making fun of that.

    Correct me if I'm misinform about any of this.

    EDIT: The documentary was actually titled "The Cove".

  • April 2017
    372 Reputation
    MM305 said:

    About this whole whale/dolphin thing: Isn't Japan rather infamous for their excessive killing on whales and dolphins? Especially since a lot of their foods are based around fish/ocean creatures (just like Americans are with cows/chicken)?

    I remember watching a documentary about that (forgot what is was called, either "blue" or "H20") where you see killer whales getting killed, leaving a pool of blood left. Even South Park made an episode making fun of that.

    Correct me if I'm misinform about any of this.

    EDIT: The documentary was actually titled "The Cove".

    1. Japan doesn't kill an excessive amount of whales. They hunt a tiny fraction of a specific, very common species of whale (far less than 1% of the total population, to ensure that the resource remains sustainable).

    Japan is by far the most environmentally conscious nation on Earth.

    2. South Park makes fun of everybody. But the episode you're referring to is mostly aimed at the absurdity of the "animal rights" movement. The Japanese government only comes up tangentially. They do have a stereotypical accent, of course, but that's about the extent of the "fun making".
    MM305 said:

    where you see killer whales getting killed, leaving a pool of blood left

    Yes, when you kill an animal, there tends to be a pool of blood left. If you have a problem with that, I suggest reading up on salad and tofu recipes.

    Seems unlikely that you saw a killer whale getting killed, though. If you did, it was an illegal hunt. Japan doesn't sanction the hunting of orcas.
  • shogo98
    April 2017
    34 Reputation
    It's a very interesting discussion going on here. I'm a Japanese mononofu and I've watched the documentary film "The Cove"
    and I had been wondering how you guys felt about this momoclo show at an aquarium, now I see some ideas here.

    I think those 2 themes, why momoclo did that? and the whole whale/dolphin thing should be treated separatly divided.
    The documentary was filmed in a very small village,only 3400 people live there. It's the only place in Japan where they hunt the dolphins since long time ago I don't even know since when.
    Hunting dolphin is the main industry there so it's a big problem they made a film about what they do to make a living, they filmed as if they do really bad thing but it's not and not only in Japan as Norway and Denmark Fellow islands also do the same thing for living. They hunt more amounts than Japan. As sansfiled says above, they catch whales(ISO over4meters is whale -4meter is dolphin) for research the marine ecosystem and the environment not only for eating. In Europe,or America in a big city, there is not big animals kill people like a bear right? Because they were all killed by human-nature long time ago they all gone. In Japan, there are still wild bears, boars monkeys around the city and round 100 people get injured or killed every year but the Japanese people never kill them all to keep the nature. Not many Japanese people know that film and it's infamous. They keep doing that since long time ago it got so normal and people barely notice that. Aquariums in Japan exist for mainly research reason not only for entertainment since it's a big issue for the Japanese people to sustain the marine ecosystem.

    why momoclo did that? I guess they thought it's cool. and that's it. and I guess also they try to let the kids have a chance to go see the aquariums. Lately they tend to have events for children like Goo-Choki-Paa I've heard the people who have kids won the lottery mainly for this show. As a result, they were more adults than as usual on that day

    How do you do the quote thingy btw? Kanako and Shiori did that cuz they can swim and the others can't. That's what the kwkm san said.
  • shogo98
    April 2017
    34 Reputation
    I've been in the States, South Carolina for a year. So I know the American history. I felt that is terrible when I saw white people driving a car with the confederate flag on the licence plate. It's not a once but a several times. The Japanese people have a very few chance to experience the diversity I guess that's why blackface thing happened and I wouldn't be surprised that had been happened. In Japan, 99% of population is the Japanese so I know it's terrifying to ignore the diversity but it cannot be help, in my opinion. The Japanese people barely have a chance to realize themselves are yellow in daily life.

    No more skin color topic, they've done a concert in Hokkaido today Momoka has uploaded her blog. She's working on taking photos at every venues, the event is as so called Momocamera. She uploaded some photos on the web.
  • April 2017
    904 Reputation
    shogo98 said:

    How do you do the quote thingy btw? Kanako and Shiori did that cuz they can swim and the others can't. That's what the kwkm san said.

    The Quote can be started by clicking on "Quote" just about next to the name of the person who posted. It quotes the whole thing but you can separate it with ["quote"] and ["/quote"] without the ("").

    I won't put my two cents on the whole talk of marine life and being for or against having animals in aquariums or zoos simply because I dont have enough research and don't want to get involved in a debate.

    As for having Momotamai perform, it's more likely of their skills athletically. The two are definitely the best swimmers but are also the ones that can pull off those stunts without a problem compared to the others. Aarin can't swim, Reni takes hours upon hours to learn skills like those, and Momoka is afraid to go near animals like that (can't even pet sheep without being cautious). Kanako and Shiorin both pick up skills really fast so it wouldn't take too long for them to learn how to do the routine that the balugas did many times before.
  • shogo98
    April 2017
    34 Reputation

    ["quote"] Aarin can't swim, Reni takes hours upon hours to learn skills like those, and Momoka is afraid to go near animals like that

    I love how you discribe their personality that's all true. haha you might know them better than I do. Shiori said she wanna try again if she could have a chance. Kanako actually never tried diving into the water before. Shiori had the trainer gave a advice to Kanako and tried, the first time she dived she went around all the way and dive into the water from the foot. But she practiced on and on and for the actual show, they made it perfectly. That's worth watching.
  • April 2017
    3398 Reputation