arinyasu said:Am I the only one worried about these albums sales? I'm kinda nervous...
Invader said:
I've got a feeling that if the albums have different concepts I'm going to like one way more than the other, but that's just a hunch.
honkey5 said:"Their last good song was Rodou sanka" "Bring back Hyadain"
Invader said:
As for criticism of their music I do that a lot :)) but not because I think they should go this or that direction, it's just based on whether I think the song is awesome, good, average or bad, just like any other group. I can't lie to myself and say a mediocre song of theirs is awesome because it's Momoclo, I want them to do better.
stansfield123 said:
Not exactly unreasonable to say that they're probably not gonna get the same quality of songwriting from other people. So, if possible, they should try to work with songwriters they worked with before, again.
dj_mischief said:While I am looking forward to the releases as well, I am a little nervous for them as well. Is it just me or have they lost some momentum over the past year?
dj_mischief said:While I am looking forward to the releases as well, I am a little nervous for them as well. Is it just me or have they lost some momentum over the past year? Hopefully this will revitalize them.
nemurenatta said:Hakkin no Yoake (it's the title song on the album, I suppose) music video has been released.
Also, is having some sort of countdown, but for what, no word has been said.
MizukiChan said:Figured it out.
There's most likely a bug in the system or how the timer was programmed. I changed my time zone to Japan to see how it looks for them and it says it will be released by 9pm JPN time, meaning it should be released by then rather than what the timer tells you (9pm on January 1st of your time zone).
I'm pretty sure staff didn't even check to see how it looked overseas and went with the result they got which led to this confusion. Besides, why on earth would they put a restriction on something and then at every hour, take off the restrictions for specific time zones? It makes no sense whatsoever and waste of effort.
Just letting the word out. If I end up being wrong, I apologize
nemurenatta said:Yeah, the timer just reset, as it should have for everyone who passed it by now.
This is a pretty significant programming error, and have they not realised it? Nothing's being done about it, but at least it's clear exactly when it will be revealed anyway.
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