[Album] 5th Momoiro Clover Z
  • manumczmanumcz
    April 27
    18 Reputation
    MM305 said:

    Man...their beauty STILL pisses me off!

    But since this drug addiction forced to me to take a looksy...I must say that it's a well produced song, but one where I don't think it deserves "The Diamond Four" title. A title like that must be an introductory song that both introduces the members and displays their weirdness/silliness (along with their excellent choreograph dancing). You know, something for new fans to get a preview on how these girls act (that's why Z Densetsu is still THE perfect introductory song).

    [For those who wonder, I used drug addiction as a metaphor for something that you don’t want to take take, but that something leaves a feeling of addiction that prevents you to get rid of it no matter how hard you try]

    Certainly their become more beautiful everyday :x
    I also thought that the song would be more a kind of new introduction for them but they already have ikuze and z densetsu so probably a third introduction song wasn't in their plans, I really like the song (like everything that they do)with those different vibes between pop and rap, the music video is good, but I thought it was gonna be like the JACKET B of the album or something like that, but they explain that it is a kind of pre-show video,
    So that makes me think that everything continue in another video or probably 2 more, maybe 2 new videos for z dentsetsu and ikuze zz version, who knows... ;))
  • April 27
    4066 Reputation
    MM305 said:

    For those who wonder, I used drug addiction as a metaphor for something that you don’t want to take take, but that something leaves a feeling of addiction that prevents you to get rid of it no matter how hard you try

    Oh don't worry. NOBODY was wondering. EVERYBODY knew what you meant.
    But here's an idea...

    In the future you could use "drug addiction" as the keyword for your condition
    Or even better abbreviate it to DAD (Drug ADdiction)
    This way you could even write sentences like
    "My Dad urges me to watch the new Momoclo video"
    "My Dad has no problem with me liking girl groups"

    That way it
    a) might even have a therapeutic effect on your condition
    b) would save everyone else from wading through your psychosis with your posts while still knowing what it's about

    Just a thought :)

  • April 27
    4066 Reputation
    And now for something less important:

    Very pretty PV
    And an interesting song. A mix of several styles which I can't really name. Lol
    I don't think though that rap suits them. There are groups much better at it than the D4
    (aside from the fact that I don't like rapping anyway)
  • April 27
    94 Reputation
    Great video! Like a lot of MCZ songs, the weird style mixup confuses me at first, but ends up sticking in my head afterward. The girls always bring it together for me with their voices.

    Speaking of beauty, I like how Stardust is treating them like what they are now: adults. When they were young stars, their silliness, energy, naivete, and growing talent were all part of their charm. Now, while still silly and energetic, they've matured. Their talent has grown, and they are the leaders, as it were. The younger groups look up to them. And Stardust is giving them cute, cool, pretty, and more adult outfits. I like that they've gone in this direction rather than trying to keep them looking like eternal children.

    Ooh! I spotted Reni and a senior citizen playing a Super Famicom! I love me some videogame representation. LOL!

    But I'm still disappointed we didn't get that cool giant robo or Momoclomobile from the cover. Maybe in the next video.
  • April 27
    97 Reputation
    manumcz said:

    I also thought that the song would be more a kind of new introduction for them but they already have ikuze and z densetsu so probably a third introduction song wasn't in their plans

    Plus, we already have Anta Tobashisugi on the album...
  • MM305
    April 27
    594 Reputation

    I don't think though that rap suits them. There are groups much better at it than the D4
    (aside from the fact that I don't like rapping anyway)

    Do folks even remember that this isn’t first time MCZ did rap?...5 The Power, Doidou Heiwa Sengen, Mokkuro Ni Naru Hate.
  • MM305
    April 27
    594 Reputation

    In the future you could use "drug addiction" as the keyword for your condition
    Or even better abbreviate it to DAD (Drug ADdiction)
    This way you could even write sentences like
    "My Dad urges me to watch the new Momoclo video"
    "My Dad has no problem with me liking girl groups"

    That way it
    a) might even have a therapeutic effect on your condition
    b) would save everyone else from wading through your psychosis with your posts while still knowing what it's about

    Just a thought :)

    That’s a very weird abbreviation if I ever read one.
    Plus, neither of those statements are true in my case whether we are talking about the drug addiction or an actual dad.
  • April 27
    4066 Reputation
  • April 27
    430 Reputation
    MM305 said:

    [For those who wonder, I used drug addiction as a metaphor for something that you don’t want to take take, but that something leaves a feeling of addiction that prevents you to get rid of it no matter how hard you try]

    It's not an addiction, because that would imply that being a Momoclo fan is objectively harmful behavior. Clearly not the case, as evidenced by all of us on this board who like Momoclo and are doing just fine.

    And it's definitely not a metaphor. I don't even know why you would call it a "metaphor". You're just using words without any regard for their meaning.
  • MM305
    April 27
    594 Reputation
    I know the meaning, and while it’s not an actual metaphor, it was a way of saying that MCZ is a drug that I can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard I try. It's an interest I don't want because it leaves me with this addicting feeling to still be interested in them.

    because that would imply that being a Momoclo fan is objectively harmful behavior.

    Considering the negative stigma that exists with the fandom of boy bands/girl groups because of their crazy antics such #CutforZayn, #CutforBieber, and the craziness shown in these videos below, having this MCZ interest is a harmful/dangerous quality to have...at least for someone like me specifically (who is I happen to be an airhead nerd with no girlfriend, is not attractive/strong/big/good with words to defend myself, and lives in a Latin city with a Latin family (meaning I still live with my parents).

    Everyone else here who is lucky enough to not have been bullied/teased/assaulted for having this interest are folks who live in a safer environment - knows how to fight to the point of being able to defend yourself from physical assault, knows how to fight back with insults/words to defend yourself from verbal assault -have the luxuries in life (like your own house, money, a smart brain, spouses) to not feel threatened when someone calls you a loser (cause how accurate will that be if you have all or most of those luxuries?) - And might be considered attractive, strong (in muscle strength), a non air headed or challenged person, to be considered a loser/nerd in school in college, meaning you were never in low status.

    If anyone would like to respond to this, do so through private messaging so that this thread can be saved from this topic.

  • April 27
    4066 Reputation
    I thought it would be a good idea to lighten this up with humor
    But since he doesn't understand the meaning of humor that backfired miserably.

    Okay, so let's end the discussion again right here - humor or not
    None of us has anything new to say about the issue anyway

    Anyone willing to discuss this further please do it in PMs
  • MM305
    April 27
    594 Reputation
    I actually love humor (comedies are my favorite movie genres after all), but that particular post just seem to make sense to me. But if you like to explain what that meant and/or respond to what I just posted before this one, do so through private messaging so that this thread can be saved from this topic.
  • MM305
    April 27
    594 Reputation
    Getting back on the album topic...after listening to the singles AND this particular MV, what is your assessment on this upcoming album now?
  • MM305
    May 6
    594 Reputation
    After listening to the singles AND this particular MV, what is your assessment on this upcoming album so far?
  • vimoralvimoral
    May 11
    2417 Reputation
  • May 11
    97 Reputation
  • May 12
    421 Reputation

    In true Momoclo fashion, this is shaping up to be a very varied album. From punk to cinematic strings to EDM!
  • May 13
    97 Reputation

    And now, a horror movie!! =D>
  • vimoralvimoral
    May 13
    2417 Reputation
    ^ epic
  • MM305
    May 13
    594 Reputation
    I mean...hasn't variety always been in MCZ’s arsenal?

    Whether you think they do a good or bad job at each different genre (don’t matter my opinion because it’s still an addictive drug to me), they seem to have always tested the waters on different fields.